Friday, October 12, 2012

We're Off! (to a slower start than unusual.)


This fall has us hopping.

Some of that is because family, some of that is because of the amount of work to do.

The kids are doing well and are active at school and with their club sports.  Like for all good parents, it has been fun for us watching, volleyball and soccer this fall.

The work side has been a tad busy.  The middle school band is up about 30 kids or so.  I think we could easily have a few more sections of band classes, but it will be a miracle to get more help in here to pull it off.

Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences have begun here.

The most popular parent question?  "When is SmartMusic coming out?"  Of course, the answer is, "As soon as it comes in."

I understand why they are asking.  It is a big feature of our program.  Fall conferences are drab when we don't have recordings to talk about.

We do a handbook signature page that asks if the students are able to use an internet connected computer at home.  That way we know if students will be able to use a SmartMusic subscription there or if they are going to be using our practice room computers.  There is no sense ordering a subscription that won't be used.  It did take a while to get that form returned this fall and that slowed the order down.  We will be looking for ways to speed that up next fall!  Maybe there is a way to Google form parents.

We pay for the subscriptions as part of our band fee.  We charge the same fee for everyone, even if you are not getting the home subscription.  The thinking is that our practice room computers are costing us money too, so you are paying to help cover their costs.  We also have a terrific booster group that will help with scholarships to help with the fees if someone can't afford it.

Sorry it has been a while since I have written, but it has been busy!

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