Tuesday, October 27, 2009

BASIC SmartMusic Troubleshooting.

It was a busy day for SmartMusic in my room yesterday. We are "Enrolling for Class" my general music classes and doing assignments before and after school. Really busy.
So at the end of the day, when one of my saxes was not seeing her red and green note feedback, I was mildly surprised. We really hadn't had a problem all day. But that must have been close to 40 people logging in.
Switching mics and restarting the program really didn't help.
Not to panic. I'll just go to the support site (http://smartmusic.custhelp.com/app/) and get a little help from the knowledge base. It is easily searched. Most of the clues I got from there though involved Windows. We run Macs in the practice rooms. Hmmm.
Still not going to panic. What is the first thing they will ask if I call? "Have you tried restarting the computer?" I am pretty sure that tech support people everywhere wake up in the middle of the night saying that. I'm pretty sure they have to get a tattoo with that on it someplace as well.
Make sure the USB mic adapter is plugged in ok and and do the restart. Sure enough, it works.
Always try the easy stuff before you call or panic.

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