Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Head's Up! FileMaker 12 Is Out!

Just a quick head's up here.  One of my favorite pieces of software, FileMaker, has had an upgrade.

Looks like it is time to do some software updating on all my devices this weekend.  (Like I needed another thing to do this weekend!)  FM-12 seems to work well with my files created with previous versions...there is the traditional you-need-to-update-this-file-with-a-new-name-for-the-old-file process.  Scripts seem to be working fine and other work I have done previously made the change-over just fine.

The thing that grabs my attention right away is the new price on FileMaker Go.  FMGO has been dropped to my favorite price of "free."  If you need to get a project on an iPad or iPod, FileMaker may be just the ticket.  Now it can be ANY iPod or iPad without messing with accounts and adding iOS software to the purchase price.

I hope to do some poking around to see what is new.  I will let you know if I find anything earth-shattering.


pshimmons said...

So what's your verdict on FileMaker 12? Worth the $179? I do like the new built in better integration for iPad and iPhone!

Do I spend my money?

Also - have you found a good reason to use the charting tools for Band? Those charts look really pretty BUT in real life what do I use them for?

Unknown said...

To me, it is worth the $179, if you don't currently have FileMaker.

It might not be worth it if you have version 11 or 10 and can live without the iPad integration.

Band, charting and FileMaker... hmm. I haven't really used those features for band. (I have used charts for some other projects around school.) The only thing I can think of that might need some graphing would be tracking balance across grade levels of band to predict where the problem years are. It would be nice to know that your tuba section in three years wasn't going to exist when the seniors graduate two years from now. Might inspire some recruiting.

Container fields that you can put audio in on the iPad will be useful for people who want audio and video in their FileMaker Go. That may be the killer portion of this app for band directors. Playback right from FMGo as well. Neat.

I was happy with FMPro 11 and FMGo. The 5.1 iOS update did require an update for FMGo. I thought that was interesting that one product would affect the other. I thought that Apple and FileMaker were closer than that.

I'd say go for it, if you don't have FileMaker. Maybe not if you want to stretch the budget another year. I really like the new price on FMGo (Free!)