Wednesday, September 10, 2008

New iPods or Want to buy a slightly used iPod Touch?

Apple Insider had an interesting review of a "new" iPod feature found on the latest generation of iPod Touches-- Audio input. I thought the killer feature was going to be long battery life! iPods have been able to record in the past, this just makes recording a little easier. For the band director without an iPhone, this may be the way to get the tuner features that are possible on an iPhone, after a visit to the App store. I want to give it a try. Anyone want to buy a slightly used iPod Touch? Another use for audio in would be for some VOIP company to write an app to use your iPod as an access point for your VOIP phone. Wow! This is yet another way to ditch the landline. I'm sure glad I don't own a telephone company. For those of us never a few feet from a wireless network, there may be a reason to dump the cell phone as well. Whoever heard of ditching the cell phone? Ditching the landline for the cell, sure. But the cell for VOIP? Anyone want to buy a slightly used iPod Touch? Other features include speakers and volume control. The speakers may be handy for those times you want to share whats on the pod. Probably better for short songs or videos. Think cozy, if you are going to share a feature length movie! I think the touch screen was handy enough for the volume control. We'll see after I give it a try. Anyone want to buy a slightly used iPod Touch? Anyone?

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